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Bell-ringer of Angel's, The

Harte, Bret - Bell-ringer of Angel's, The

Another classic converted by

«Where the North Fork of the Stanislaus River begins to lose its youthful grace, vigor, and agility, and broadens more maturely into the plain, there is a little promontory which at certain high stages of water lies like a small island in the stream. To the strongly- marked heroics of Sierran landscape it contrasts a singular, pastoral calm. White and gray mosses from the overhanging rocks and feathery alders trail their filaments in its slow current, and between the woodland openings there are glimpses of vivid velvet sward, even at times when the wild oats and «wire-grasses» of the plains are already yellowing.»

Language: English - 194 pages - Contains an Index
Sorted in Classics - American

ISBN (ePub): 1-4121-5838-9

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